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#savethedate Friday 23.4.2021 17-19 CET - Predictive Justice and personal injury damages: Italian French comparative remarks

Publication date: 02.04.2021
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On Friday 23.4.2021, 17-19 CET, there will be a webinar to address the challenges emerging within the Italian and French debates on predictive justice.

Machine Learning techniques applied to personal injury damages case-law will be discussed by scholars and judges within a multilanguage dialogue where speakers are free to intervene in Italian, French and English.

The event is hosted by the Osservatorio sul Danno alla persona, LIDER Lab of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, and the CEDCACE, Université de Nanterre. It is sponsored by the Predictive Justice and the LeADS MSCA-ETN projects. It will be broadcast on the Webex platform at this link.


17.00 – 17.15 Introduction . Algorithms and personal injury damages in Italy and France / Les algorithmes et l’indemnisation des préjudices corporels en Italie et France , Denise Amram, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
17.15 – 18.15 Roundtable / Table Ronde
« La réparation des préjudices corporels en France » Anne Guégan , Université Paris 1 Panthèon Sorbonne
« Le projet Datajust » Thibault Douville , Université de Caen, Normandie
« The Predictive Justice project and its contribution to the Italian debate on personal injury damages »Giovanni Comandé, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
18.15 – 18.45 Discussion
Domenico Pellegrini, Tribunale di Genova – Maria Giuliana Civinini, Tribunale di Pisa
18.45 – 19.00 Conclusions
Olivier Deshayes , Université de Paris Nanterre

Additional information is available here.